Motor Vehicle Casco Insurance


Atlantik Sha: Casco Insurance

Motor CASCO insurance is optional, and because of this, many drivers choose not to sign such a policy. However, the lack of CASCO insurance implies a much higher risk, which would be wiser not to take.

Busy traffic in big cities, public roads that do not offer the best driving conditions, as well as some drivers who are in a hurry or careless can cause a lot of damage to your car. Also, natural phenomena are to blame for many vehicle damages, which attract costly repairs. Without CASCO insurance, you will have to bear the full costs for all incidents involving your vehicle, which can have a negative impact on your budget.

In order to convince yourself of the usefulness of signing such a policy, you need to find out details about CASCO insurance and the benefits it offers you.

What does CASCO insurance cover?

Clause “М” – Minimum casco

Under this clause any damage to the insured motor vehicle shall be covered, if caused by the following risks:

  • Fire and/or explosion, occurring while the vehicle is stopped and the engine is not working, as a result of technical failure and/or an accidental occurrence;
  • Natural disasters – storm, hurricane, hail, flood, torrential rain, thunder and/or lightning, impact on the motor vehicle by objects, driven by storm and hurricane, sea waves, landslide or landslip, natural drifts of ice or snow.


Clause “Tch” – Partial casco

Under this clause any damage to the insured motor vehicle shall be covered, if caused by the following risks:

  • All risks, stated under Clause “М”;
  • Fire and/or explosion, occurring either while the motor vehicle is driven and/or while the vehicle is stopped but the engine is started and is running;
  • Breakdown, resulting from collision of motor vehicles or impact by other movable or immovable objects, people or animals, roadblocks, such as a mass of ground and rocks and suchlike, deterioration of the road surface integrity, fallen trees and branches, objects falling from buildings and aircraft;
  • Malicious acts of third parties, representing mechanical, chemical or other impact on the insured motor vehicle;
  • Total loss or partial damage to the insured motor vehicle caused by other motor vehicle, any individual, animal or object, while the insured vehicle was in a car park area.


Clause “К” – Theft

Under this clause the insurer covers:

  • Theft of the whole vehicle;
  • Robbery of the whole vehicle;
  • Unlawful deprivation of the entire motor vehicle for the purpose of usage;
  • Damage to stolen motor vehicle, which was found and returned to the owner;
  • Burglary of factory-installed audio devices, incl. audio, video and/or navigation equipment.


Clause “P” – Full casco

Under this clause the Insurer provides cover against TOTAL LOSS or PARTIAL DAMAGE to the motor vehicle, caused by all risks specified in clauses “M”. “Tch” and “K”.


Clause “A” – Theft of audio devices

Under this clause burglary and malicious acts of third parties to additionally installed and permanently fixed audio devices, incl. audio, video and/or navigation equipment is covered against payment of an additional premium. The cover under this clause attaches only in combination with Clause “P”.

Why should you invest in Casco insurance?

Casco insurance is essential to provide security against financial damages to your vehicle due to unforeseen risks. Our professionals at Atlantik Sha will help you choose the best casco insurance plan which suits your needs and protects you against the risk of serious vehicle damage resulting from a crash, collision, theft or other reasons.


Investing in a good casco insurance plan will guarantee your peace of mind and the safety of your vehicle. Our company values the importance of a security blanket in case of accidents and in times of difficulty, that’s why we are committed to providing you with the security you need. Choose Atlantik Sha as your casco insurance company and we will assist you in every step of the way for the ultimate protection of your vehicle.

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