Guarantee insurance means that you get a guarantee from an insurance company instead of a bank. This frees up the bank's guarantee limit for your company's growth investments, for example. Guarantee insurance is most commonly used in the construction industry and in connection with the manufacture of investment goods. Guarantee insurance is intended for situations where, for example, the terms of the contract require collateral or guarantees.
Guarantee insurance is a good alternative to bank guarantees. Companies use guarantee insurance as security doing business both in domestic and international business. Our insurance agents know the market well and can assess for you what kind of guarantee insurance your company needs. If you wish, we can also handle the guarantee limit to ensure the best conditions for tendering.
When you are considering guarantee insurance, it is definitely advisable to use an experienced insurance broker. They can assess the reasonableness of the price level in relation to the need for price negotiations.
Polica e sigurimit të garancisë në përgjithësi funksionon në të njëjtën mënyrë si një garanci bankare. Siguruesit e garancive i japin klientit të tyre një kufi garancie nga i cili garancitë individuale mund të jepen shpejt dhe me fleksibilitet. Dhënia e një sigurimi garancie bazohet në një analizë të pozicionit financiar të kompanisë dhe perspektivave të ardhshme. Nevojat e garancisë së sigurimit kanë gjithashtu një ndikim tek çmimet.
The most typical guarantee insurances issued by our insurance company are:
For contract guarantees, we offer you a discount of 30% from the basic fees according to the guaranteed amounts and the insurance period.
In addition to guarantee insurance we provide services related to e.g. risk management and credit insurance. Please don't hesitate to contact us and ask more about our services!
Guarantee insurance is well-known especially in the construction and manufacturing sector. Depending on the projects, you have various types of guarantees. It may be in the construction sector, where a contractor must provide a guarantee in favor of the owner. Or it may be in the manufacturing sector, where a supplier must provide a guarantee in favor of the buyer. In both cases, the guarantee secures that the work is completed in accordance with the contractual terms. And if not, that you are consequently compensated for the possible loss.
A performance bond protects the owner from losses, if the contractor fails to fulfil his contractual obligations. The owner will be paid the amount covered under the bond and can use it to have the work completed.
If the work has been completed and defects are found during the maintenance period, the owner can call the bond. The amount covered under the bond can be used to remedy the defects. There are several industry standards available depending on which country you need the guarantee to be issued.
Guarantee insurance is also seen in connection with deliveries from industrial enterprises, where the buyer wants to secure compensation for advance payments made to a supplier. If the supplier does not fulfil the contract by delivering the agreed materials, the bond can be called.
Machinery insurance (BM) provides coverage for physical damage and financial loss from equipment breakdown.
If you are looking for insurance services for your health, or if you are traveling, we offer you the right solutions.
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